Why did the pilgrims come to America
Freedom is the inborn desire of every living entity, and the desire to exercise free will dominates most others in the case of humans. The want of freedom, in each and every essence of the word, bought the pilgrims to the land of freedom in the old times, in other words America. Actually, ‘pilgrims’ refers to the early Protestants who found it better to make the move from a stern Britain to a more liberal America. In the native land of England, these people had no alternative to practicing their religious chores in the dark interiors of their streets and houses. The Protestants differed in their concepts of Christianity and Bible, and this did not go well with the high placed decision makers in the Church. Consequently, there was social pressure on the Protestants which instigated the mass exodus of the community people to America.
A serious look at the historical records suggests that the Protestants did not have America on their minds when they first left England. In fact, Holland is believed to be their first stop. However, the polemical social customs of the land did not suit their moral palates, and their journey towards a more compatible land continued till they landed in America.
1620 marked the beginning of a new life for the pilgrim community. However, the transition of land was not easy for them. The harsh winters of the new American territory ate through half the population of the settlers. Thankfully, those who survived could justify the loss because they found the priced social freedom that brought them to America.
America always represented a land of wholesome freedom, a land of infinite opportunities, and a land where people from all kinds of social and cultural backgrounds could co-exist and complement each other. This was in stark contrast to the oppressive elite society of Europe at that time. As with many other communities of migrants, America qualified as the perfect place for the pilgrims as well. No wonders, America is referred to as the melting pot till today, signifying the tolerant nature of the American society.