Why do British people have bad teeth

It would be downright shocking for most to realize that the British are nefarious for having particularly bad teeth. Even though the living conditions in the country are contemporary, the dental care facility is not even anywhere close to a corresponding status.

It is hard to chew on the fact that in a country where the NHS takes care of the diseased even if the problem is a result of the victim’s own negligence and irresponsibility, a problem with hereditary undercurrents such as that of bad teeth goes unnoticed and unattended. A person suffering from lung cancer is more likely to have himself sorted out by the NHS rather than one having deformed teeth or some gums related disease.

Getting to the precincts of an NHS dentist is one of the most difficult tasks one could ever have to face in Britain. There are two major causes of this ghastly situation. Firstly, more and more dentists from the NHS are shedding off their NHS tags and making the shift to the more lucrative private dentistry field. There are too many incentives for such dentists to be ignored. The fees of dental check ups and surgeries is sky high, and there is no stopping the qualified dental experts from trying to earn some fortune through private practice. Secondly, even in the rare case that a sufferer is able to get access to an NHS dentist, he/she would almost certainly end up on the excruciating waiting list. Not only this, the moment of bitter truth comes when the patient has to pay almost 80% of the cost he would have paid for a private based surgery on his teeth.

It is safe to conclude that the NHS of Britain disappoints when it comes to dental treatment. Patients are more or less on their own when some malady hits them inside their mouth. A fair indication of the exorbitantly priced dental procedures is the fact that a filling could make you lose more than £150. Even a precautionary check up is ascertained to result in dental bills in proximity to £100. These inhibitory factors have resulted in Britain getting the tag of a country with extremely bad dental health.