Why does beer make you fat
Not many mind gulping down a pint or two every now and then with friends and family. In fact, beer and alcohol have become an accepted part of urban lifestyle in most parts of the world. The problems associated with liquor consumption are real, and the widespread endorsement of alcohol does not manage to shake off the concerns even slightly. So it all boils down to striking a proper balance between health and pleasure.
Beer certainly contributed to fat addition in the body, and it does so in a manner that would certainly not appeal to any health enthusiast. Thankfully, one can always manage the fat creating activity of beer. This requires at least a moderate level of knowledge about as to how beer contributes in making a person gain fat in a short duration of time. A bottle of beer is a store house of calories. Two bottles of beer mean a literal overdose of calories! A generous beer consumption feeds you with a large percentage of the calorie diet of the day, and this does not detract you from your routine eating habits. The result is that you end up consuming a lot more than you can handle.
Gym trainers term beer as a dose of empty calories, and quite rightly so. The calories deposited by beer inside the body take place of those that should have been there. Without getting into unnecessary mathematics of diet and calories, it shall suffice to know that two mugs of beer every day for a good part of the year lead to the accumulation more than twenty five pounds of belly fat on an individual! Imagine having to lose this much body weight.
Most of us do not indulge in exercises that could handle even half of this unwanted fat addition. Add to it the fact that we generally do not count while consuming beer mugs, and the probability of a more than necessary fat intake multiplies manifolds. Quite obviously, beer develops the reputation of an unforgiving far factory. However, the odd weekend get together does warrant a carefree beer ride. It is habitual drinking that raises genuine concerns.