Why does osteoporosis happen

There are many contributing factors for osteoporosis in both men and women. For many women, the decrease in estrogen after menopause is the main cause. However, what isn’t a well known fact is that osteoporosis could be caused by genes, if someone’s mother or grandmother had osteoporosis. This significantly increases the chance of getting it as well. A diet which is low in calcium can also be a contributing factor, as can being sedentary, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol.

Because osteoporosis is a preventative disease, there are measures you can take which will ensure you’re protecting yourself from bone loss and the potential to get a fracture. Knowing what causes osteoporosis and the signs can mean all the difference in helping protect yourself from it.

Adolescent osteoporosis
It is very possible for osteoporosis to begin in childhood and adolescence, as this is when the body is constantly breaking down old bone to rebuild new. This process is known as remodeling, and during this period of time, bone is built faster than it is removed, which causes bones to grow and get stronger. Because of this, it’s more important that children and teens get more calcium than any other age group. While calcium can help build strong bones, it is not enough by its self. Children and teens should exercise daily in order to help keep their bones strong.

Osteoporosis In Women
In many women, the total amount of bone that is grown is generally peaked around 25 to 30. It peaks sooner for some women, depending on the previous risk factors for osteoporosis. Because of this peak in bone growth, the tide slowly turns and around the age of 35 or so, many women begin to lose bone mass. While small amounts of bone mass are lost each year after this age, the rate in which bone mass is lost increases during the first five to ten years when women become postmenopausal. As more bone is removed than what is built, this is the process which causes osteoporosis.
During this time, you might not even realize that you have osteoporosis, as your bones could still be strong enough to prevent fractures, and there are likely no warning signs for the disease. In many women, the only way to check for bone loss is through a bone density test.

Osteoporosis And Men
Many people believe that osteoporosis is a women’s only disease, but this is simply not the case. Just because it affects more women than it does men, does not make men immune to it. In fact, around 1.3 million men who are over the age of 65 have osteoporosis.

The onset of osteoporosis is becoming more and more common in Americans over the age of 50. A recent study found that 55% of people in this age bracket have a significant risk factor in developing osteoporosis. while another 34 million people are thought to have low bone mass. Because osteoporosis is an increasing problem in America, it’s more important now than ever to raise awareness concerning the symptoms.