Why is MMA safer than boxing
MMA raises mixed response among viewers of contact support. However, none of them can deny its rapid rise in terms of popularity. In fact, the sports scenario in America and Asia, two of the most progressive continents, MMA has clinched the hearts of one and all, courtesy the fact that mixed martial art involves integration of many fight forms from across the globe. First time viewers of the sport are bound to feel the heat of watching competitors go berserk trying to knock each other out. Some are even disturbed watching the flagrant use of kicks and punches, so much so that MMA seems too crude to be accepted as a form of competitive contact sport.
However, a deeper analysis of the situation indicates that MMA could well be safer than boxing, a widely renowned contact sport. It is not uncommon for a 12 round championship match in boxing to have close to 500 punches delivers, most of which are successful in sending tremors into the cardinal regions of the competitors. Each punch to the head is a potential incapacitating blow, but for the headgear worn during fights. However, the risks are only mitigated, not completely avoided. It is dreadful to even imagine the plight of the weaker contestant who receives a barrage of blows to the head, each aimed at knocking him out. Although it is a professional sport, but these situations are fairly common in a boxing match. The suffering opponent is never able to make appropriate safety moves to avoid permanent injuries. This is where the structuring of the MMA is different, and safer too.
Blows to the head are extremely dangerous, and a fighter in MMA has ample room to sway out of harm’s way in case his opponent is hell bent on simply destroying the head area. MMA allows fighters to take the brawl down to the ground, and there is no violation of the rules if the underdog fighter clutches his opponent who is on a punch hurling spree. Though this makes MMA a little crude to watch, but the fact that this goes a long way in taking into account the risks of fatal injuries of the head and brain more than compensates.