Why is science important for kids

In today’s society, there is a lot of focus, particularly in education, on reading and writing for children. Although these topics are vastly important and so rightfully should be the focus of much effort, many times science can be overlooked in the process. But why exactly is science important for children? Why should we spend as much effort on teaching kids science as we do on other subjects, such as English and mathematics? The answer is somewhat twofold. First of all, there is the effect that science has on the mind in general, and second is that there is the practical and immediate use of science in everyday life to consider.

Almost everything we do on a day-to-day basis requires some level of understanding that science can provide. Understanding cooking, DIY (do it yourself) or gardening, for example, requires some knowledge of science. Even just appreciating the causes of different types of weather or understanding the forces acting on a ball when we throw it rely on science. The technological world we live in also heavily depends on the scientists behind the scenes, and the more children that grow up interested in science, the more future medical experts and technological pioneers will come out of it. Of course, since children are naturally curious about everything, childhood is the perfect time to become involved in science.

There is also a very real effect on the brain and mind that comes from studying science. Developing a scientific approach to questioning and determining answers is an important skill for life in general, and science can dramatically increase a child’s capacity for reasoning and logical thought. This can help to alleviate some of the difficulties that sometimes arise with kids — especially those with troubled youth that stem from a lack of understanding of the environment and themselves, and the inability to think rationally. Of course, young children shouldn’t be expected to think logically and rationally all the time, but as they get older it becomes more important.

Because of the importance of scientific study, it is vital that we remember not to depend only on schools to provide an education for our children. Study at home is just as important, if not more so. The series of “why” questions from a child can be frustrating sometimes, but it really is important to take the time to explain as much as you can. That is because at this stage, a child can more easily retain the information and genuinely wants to know. These opportunities for learning should always be taken advantage of. You can also try to fit in activities that are fun but can also teach something, such as geological outings or growing your own plants and learning about them. Studying insects is also often fascinating for children, and this is a great opportunity for some biology study.

The rewards of a decent scientific education vastly outweigh the effort involved. In a world where we rely on computers for just about everything, the more understanding we give to our children, the brighter the future will be.