Why is science important

Science is an integral part of our everyday life. But why is science so important to us and to the way in which we live? Without science we would be missing out on a multitude of different inventions and knowledge that have helped us to progress in life and learn about our world. You have probably questioned many things, by asking “why”, or “how”, or “what”. Asking why things happen, how they work, what makes them behave in a certain way is all a part of science. Science can cover a variety of different questions and fields, but the three main schools consist of Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Many of these sciences overlap in their topics, as chemical science links with biological or physical in several areas. Science is about asking questions and finding out the answers through study, testing and trial and error.

Science is not just important to answer as many questions as we can think of — science exists all around us. It is also important because without it, we would not be able to enjoy many of luxuries we see around us today. You may often hear people talking about the invention of the light bulb — inventions come in all shapes and sizes, not just landmark inventions. For example, television, mobile phones, remote controls, home computers, blenders, coffee machines and PDA’s were all invented thanks to science. Anything that uses electrics would not be possible today if the study of science did not exist. Without science we would be unable to investigate electrical currents and use these to their fullest potential.

Science is also biological, not just physical or electrical. Biology is a fundamental science used to help medical advances. Through biology we can study and grow our knowledge on the human body and further our medical understanding saving millions of lives worldwide. Chemistry too has its uses in the medical field through a deeper understanding of chemicals and how they work and react to each other. Pharmaceutical companies use the science of Chemistry to develop new treatments for medical conditions and symptoms.

Science has also enabled us to develop socially and better ourselves. In a time where slavery was an acceptable practice, a scientist visited a village of black people in the hope of proving that they were lesser beings because they were more like animals rather than humans. In order to achieve this, he compared each of their five senses to his study of Caucasian senses, in the hope that they would prove to be significantly better, like in animals. Instead he proved the exact opposite and found that in his study all of the people he tested had roughly the same level of sensory awareness, with no distinction between skin colors. He was therefore forced to admit his results were in favor of racial equality and changed his own beliefs accordingly. Thanks to his unbiased and scientific nature he was able to progress as an individual and also share his findings with others. While the basis of his study was obviously flawed, the fact that he was able to expand his knowledge thanks to science is a remarkable feat.