Why is Venus so hot
Venus, the second planet in our solar system and one spot closer to the Sun than our own planet Earth, is substantially hotter than Earth for a number of reasons including both its atmospheric conditions as well as its physical proximity to the Sun.
A prime example from many astronomers of the greenhouse effect, Venus’ atmosphere is believed to be comprised of approximately 96% carbon dioxide. The remaining atmosphere is comprised of roughly 3.5% Nitrogen as well as traces of sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid and hydrochloric acid. The clouds visible on Venus observable by high-powered telescope are most likely compositions of sulfuric acid and sulfur crystals, superheated to the point that the generate gaseous bodies similar to the water-based clouds found here on Earth.
When combined with its closer proximity to the Sun the combination of large amounts of carbon dioxide and other chemicals with Venus’ atmosphere enable to planet to act as an oven of sorts. This means that the heat collected from the Sun remains trapped within the atmosphere of the planet by the carbon dioxide molecules and not allowed to radiate back into space, thus enabling Venus to maintain significantly higher temperatures than we may expect here on Earth all year round.
Spacecraft that have landed on Venus have reported temperatures of approximately 470 degrees Centigrade (roughly 878 degrees Fahrenheit). This high temperature, generated from Venus’s proximity being both 30% closer to the Sun than the Earth and the afore mentioned high carbon content in the atmosphere, prevents oceans or other plant or animal life from forming that can absorb the carbon dioxide present and thus create a much more habitable situation for a sustainable ecosystem.
While Venus does regulate its temperature somewhat this is through a superheating effect that occurs once the planet’s heat reaches an equilibrium status and allows infrared light collected from the Sun to be radiated back into space. This usually occurs around approximately 750 degrees Kelvin and effectively prevents condensation of any sort (including that of the various acids contained in the atmosphere) from ever reaching the surface of the planet and allowing for a more sustainable lower-temperature environment.