Why is water polar
Many chemicals in existence exhibit some sort of molecular polarity, showing a strong tendency to either positive or negative charges, for a number of reasons. Water is one of these molecules, owing its own polarity primarily due to its molecular structure and distribution of electrons and protons.
Containing two hydrogen atoms on a single side of an oxygen atom, water forms an imbalance in terms of weight and charge distribution at a molecular level. This is primarily due to oxygen’s strong magnetic pull that attracts any excess electrons the hydrogen atoms may possess, causing an excess buildup of negative energy on one side of the molecule.
As the electrons flow from the hydrogen atoms to the oxygen a strong bond is formed between the two atoms. At the same time, however, a positive charge is developed on the side containing both hydrogen atoms as the majority of negatively charge electrons are now present on the oxygen side and all that primarily remains on the hydrogen atoms’ side is positively charged protons.
This polarity allows water to function successfully in many different aspects, ranging anywhere from a regulator to even a highly effective solvent due to its ability to bond both molecularly and magnetically to many other molecules. Additionally water’s polarity and chemical structure makes it able to regulate itself in either gas, liquid or solid forms in order to more successfully handle many of the needs of both sustaining life as well as regulating the climate around us.
Breaking up water into its separate states to create both oxygen and hydrogen gas negates the polar effect generated by the combining of the two as the electron imbalance created through the joining is broken and the atoms are freed to function as they wish. This allows them to be rejoined into other molecules at a later time or, if the gases are reintroduced into one another, reform into the polar water molecule. This cycle is responsible for many of the aspects of plant
and animal life that allows many ecosystems to function throughout the world that would not be possible without the polar effects water can have on both living and inanimate objects.