Why was Einstein so smart
Great men such as Einstein step on the face of Earth only once in a millennium, and there is the obvious conclusion drawn that there is something extraordinary to these personalities, which makes them transcend all lines of intelligence and open entirely new vistas of knowledge for the human race. Einstein had an extremely inquisitive nature, and he was not even satisfied by the theories of the great Sir Isaac Newton, the propagator of the branch of modern physics. Einstein went on to contribute an entirely new dimension to the theories of physics.
Einstein’s smartness is evident from the fact that even when he was an amateur researcher, he was not hesitant to express his disapproval of theories from renowned scientists of those times. He exhibited immense intelligence and determination by suggesting that Newton’s mechanical laws were insufficient for handling the laws of classical mechanics, as well as electromagnetic fields. This was not an attempt at hogging the lime lights. Instead, Einstein justified his words with actions. He displayed unmatched expertise in his research pertaining to the field of the special relativity theory. His assertion that the theory of relativity could be associated with the gravitational fields
Einstein postulated the theory of gravitation in 1916. He was intelligent enough to publish his findings with ample proof in research papers. The paper on the theory of relativity was from the first batch of acclaimed papers published by the legend. Einstein did something that not many scientists were ever able to emulate; he ensured that his contributions to the field of science were spread over many sub branches such as statistical mechanics and quantum theory. Einstein saw no barriers to imagination and this philosophy reflected in his scientific assertions. For instance, he applied the theory of relativity to the make up of the Universe with some success.
Einstein always tried to apply his knowledge to the problem at hand. He integrated the bodies of knowledge from various branches of science and cam up with many significant theories such as that of photons and light. His unnatural intelligence is certified by the Nobel Prize he achieved in 1921, for his outstanding contributions to physics.