Why is cell division important
Cell division is a process in which, a large cell called the “mother cell” divides into two parts and each of the parts are called “Daughter cell”. The process is essential for growth through the increase in the number of cells. Multiplication of cells or cell division is an asexual and continuous process. It is essential for a cell to divide primarily for the life form to grow and to repair its wounds and injuries, but also another reason why cell division occurs is that without cell division, a life form cannot function. If a cell becomes too big and does not divide, it becomes incapable of performing the function that it is supposed to, thus becoming useless. This process only pauses a little while the nucleus of the mother cell divides into two parts during the M phase of cell division.
Cell division has four stages in which the entire system unfolds and it is called the “cell cycle”. The first phase is called the G1 stage. In this stage, the enzymes that are necessary for replication of the DNA are all gathered. In the S phase, the two similar chromosomes are created on completion of the DNA replication process. The G2 phase again is a gathering phase when microtubules are produced within the cell which is necessary for the first part of the M phase, known as mitosis. The M phase is the most complex phase and it consists of two, major divisional stages, karyokinesis and cytokinesis. During karyokinesis, the nucleus is divided into two parts and in cytokinesis, the cytoplasmic division occurs. This completes the complex yet continuous process of cell division and thus two new cells are borne from the “mother” cell.
Abnormal overgrowth of the cells may lead to the development of cancerous cells and the reason behind it stems from unnatural cell division. As cell division is a continuous process and the infected cells spread through the entire body due to metastasis, cancer spreads from one part of the body to another often. It is therefore vitally important for cell division to continue in an uninterrupted and unaltered manner in order for the organism to remain healthy.