Why is diet soda bad for you
Before discussing whether or not it is bad for you, let us first understand what a diet soda is. The big difference between diet sodas and non-diet sodas is that the former contains no sugar at all while the latter contains a lot of it. A pet bottle of non-diet soda may contain as much as up to 240 calories due to its sugar content while the same amount of diet soda may have a calorie count as low as zero. However, it is a fact that diet sodas taste sweet as well, but one should know that they only taste sweet because of the added artificial sweeteners and thus they neither contain calorie nor do they provide any energy due to lack of carbohydrates in them. A portion of the people are certain that many diseases and health problems are related with artificial sweeteners that are used in the diet sodas but the FDA disagrees and calls most of the claims to be baseless. But aspartame, which is one of the five artificial sweeteners that are approved by the FDA, is known to cause headaches and drowsiness. The effect is not general in nature though as most people are not affected by it in any way or at least is yet to be reported in a general manner. Whether artificial sweeteners are completely safe or not is a controversial topic and neither side of the issue can be looked upon in a conclusive way.
It has been found through a survey in Texas that people on diet sodas are more susceptible to obesity or overweight problems than people who drink normal soda pops. This is a fact that contradicts the very reason for which diet soda was created in the first place, that is weight control. Before you read this as proof that diet sodas actually make you gain more weight than regular sodas, you should know that the reasons for this phenomenon is mostly psychological. What happens is people tend to think that switching to diet soda is a big step towards weight control and then they stop there. What most people fail to realize is that diet soda is supposed to not add more fat to your body, but it is neither meant to reduce the fat that is already there. The sense of achievement which prevails within the psyche of the people who have switched to diet sodas also causes them to devote less time to physical activities and exercise little or no control over everything else that they consume. Therefore, it can be said that although diet sodas may not make you fat when you consume it, they may contribute to weight gain in an indirect way for some people.