Why is Shakespeare called the Bard

William Shakespeare, the institutional wordsmith all times, is sometimes referred to as ‘the Bard.’ This is easy to comprehend, as this term – Bard, is used to shower reverence on a veteran poet. And even trying to discuss William Shakespeare’s contributions to the ocean of poetry is equivalent to making an attempt at blowing the sun off!

No wonders that enthusiasts like calling the great man as the Bard. Though the word might sound rather swanky to the present day literary layman, but the fact is that it has its roots deep in the sands of time. In the yester years, the poets with passion and feelings in their literature were distinguished as ‘bards’ from their counterparts. It is commonplace to encounter ‘poets’ for whom poetry is an affectation rather than an outlet for their emotions in every literary era. Being titled a Bard is as good as a verbal certificate of authenticity for a poet, and there is no second opinion to the assertion that William Shakespeare is the epitome of genuine heart-felt poetry, hence, the title of ‘the Bard.’ The literary masters of Great Britain invariably get addressed as ‘bard’ at some point of time. Shakespeare, being at the top rung of the literary ladder, only adds further luster to the title. Also, writers with eclectic endeavors in literature are given the title of Bard. Shakespeare explored territories like poems, ballads, verses, tragedies, plays and what not.

The conferring of this respect upon him justifies itself in all regards. As the times have flown past, the title has developed an almost natural affinity with the great man. One could easily attribute this to the fact that his works unfailingly impress one and all, touching the sensitive chords of the heart with their honesty. We often come across banners advertising Shakespeare’s plays through the aid of catchy and appropriately lyrical titles like ‘the Bard in the Yard,’ and the ones with the alliterations in the form of ‘the Bard on the Beach.’