Why does my ovary hurt

Ovary pain can be caused from a number of sources, such as ovulation, or even the onset of pregnancy. Depending on the type of pain you’re having, you may have some inkling of what’s happening in your body.

During ovulation, women release an egg from their ovary, which travels down the fallopian tube to rest in the uterus. The process of releasing this egg can be more painful for some women than others, as some women are more sensitive to it. If you find that your ovary pain is occurring around the same time each month, this could be the potential cause of your pain. However, if you find that you have a constant sharp pain in either side which sometimes makes it hard for you to sit, or even lie on that side, you might have a more serious problem known as an ovarian cyst.An ovarian cyst is a small collection of fluid which has a wall built around it. These cysts can differ in size dramatically, from being as small as a pea, to being as large as a baseball. Other symptoms of an ovarian cyst include breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting, weight gain, or an increase in facial or body hair.

Most ovarian cysts are harmless, and in the United States alone, it was found that ovarian cysts are found in nearly all of premenopausal women, and around 15% of postmenopausal women. These ovarian cysts are usually the cause of bleeding outside of your period, and any pain or cramps you might experience while not on your period. If you believe you could have an ovarian cyst, you’ll need to make an appointment with your doctor to be sure. While it is true that almost 90% of ovarian cysts are benign, there is always a small chance that one could develop into a tumor. This is why it’s very important for women of childbearing age to visit their doctor regularly. If it is discovered that your pain is being caused from a cyst, there are several treatment options your doctor may put you through. For very small cysts, your doctor might tell you that it is perfectly harmless and insist on regular checkups to monitor the cyst as he gives you acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the pain you experience from the cyst.

There are also several other things you can do to help reduce the pain of the cyst. Many women find that a warm bath, or a heating pad applied to the area can help relieve their tense muscles and soothes cramping. Some women find that an ice pack covered with a towel applied to the area also helps.
If the cyst is rather large, and you are not already taking a hormonal contraception pill, your doctor mind prescribe one. The hormones in the pills help to regulate your menstrual cycle, which can help prevent the formation of new cysts, and it could possibly shrink your existing cyst so that it no longer causes you pain.