Why is vitamin C important
Unlike a few other nutrients, Vitamin C does not get created inside the human body on its own. This does not, in any way whatsoever discount on the importance that this vitamin holds for human beings. A water soluble vitamin, this is regularly excreted out of the body if present in excess, and this means that an equally regular supply of Vitamin C must be ensured through the diet. This is necessary to sustain the proper functioning of all life supporting activities taking place inside a human body.
Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of a vital body constituent known as collagen, which is extensively found in the blood vessels and ligaments of the body. Even the bones and tendons have a considerable amount of collagen. The cartilage of the body and the connective tissues also depend a lot upon a proper supply of Vitamin C. The strength of the muscles and the blood vessels is directly dependent upon the availability of Vitamin C. It also helps in the assimilation and strength of the gum tissues. Apart from collagen, Vitamin C also unleashes another equally vital component in the form of ascorbic acid, an antioxidant that goes a long way in ensuring proper cell and tissue growth. This also has a telling affect on the body’s immunity mechanism. Vitamin C deficient bodies generally exhibit a reluctance to heal automatically. Vitamin C has proven cancer fighting abilities.
A deficiency of Vitamin C in the human body is a huge cause of concern. From trivial symptoms like fatigue and irritability, the absence of Vitamin C can acquire demonic proportions very easily through the development of diseases of the gall bladder, hypertension, cancer and stroke. Scurvy is a disastrous human condition caused by Vitamin C deficiency, with symptoms such as loose teeth and fragile skin tissues.
Although vegetables are a good source of Vitamin C, the content is dissipated in the process of cooking. The remedy to be taken in this regard is to take raw fruits and vegetables. Fruits such as orange, melons, kiwi, mango and grapes are superb Vitamin C sources.